Thursday, February 5, 2009

My Latest Endeavor

I've decided to keep a compilation of haiku and other random poetry I come up with and put it in a book simply entitled "SLI"

First installation:

Lovely flowers bloom
Is it still not the right time?
April showers still

Forty minutes left
We're still at the first topic

Clashing heads explode
This is just not the right time
She will always win

Many heads in room
Too much deliberation
Not enough action

Listing off some random facts
Makes them feel better
This is not reassuring

Nobody gets along here
Everyone's fake smiles
Why can't we all be real?

You have a beautiful voice
It can move mountains
Your crisp words flow through the breeze

Gloomy day it's raining tears
Where did your smile go?
Lonely worm crawling back home

Met your intense gaze last night
Eyes bright, strong pose- clear
Cutting through the crowd's open soul

A beautiful disaster
Are you really here?
Wrapped in shrouds of mystery

A poem for Andrea

You rock my world
Hearing your voice echo through the thick crowd
I hear only your true soul
speaking to me
My broken wings mended
Open wounds draped with
loving tenderness
Your soft words speak of truths most people don't want to hear
But you deliver it with such intention
I can't help but listen
absorb all your memories, passions, hurts, loss
lonely nights sitting in your room
writing lyrics to this ever present song we all dance to

When I first saw you
I felt so giddy
Like a little school girl with her first crush
I wanted to know everything about you
Wanted to reach out and touch you
because for a moment, I felt we were connected
Your stories echoed through me as if I
were there when you first put pen to paper
and decided that you're telling this story
about a little girl who wanted to see heaven
Or a little boy who wanted to escape the pain
of war and return home
Or of a mother swollen shut from her grief of having lost a son to a war painted by politicians.

Your words are beautiful
Telling the story for those who can't tell their own
You were my escape, my saving grace
Through turbulent times I would remember your words
echoing through the distance
Lost love letters to a person I once was
Reminding me of moments once cherished
Times once happy and memories yet to be made
You helped me come out
of the tight gripping closet I placed myself into
because I thought people wouldn't love me
because I'm not gay enough, straight enough, small enough, fat enough, smart enough
Enough with the bullshit, you are straight to the point
You placed your words on my shoulder that night I first saw you
and saved me
Your fire ignited my soul again
Tonight I told you to never stop what you're doing
And I mean it
for all of us who can't/wont/dont say what we want to say
You're there,
Like Isis with her wings spread wide
You are a symbol of hope for many